Joachims' Limiter

version 3 (16-Aug-2000)
where available


PreGain : This will gain up the volume before limiting it.
Scale is measured in decibels (dB).
Threshold : Maximum allowed output level. Any volume above this setting will cause the limiter to start lowering the volume. Scale is in dB.
Release time : Determines how fast the volume will rise back to it's original level, when the sound is no longer peaking.
This setting can affect how sounds fade out.

Tip :
Try to avoid getting a 'pumping' sound. This can be difficult, but usually it is a result of an improper setting of the release time.

Tip 2 :
If the bass is getting distorted, increase the volume to at least 40 or 50.

Bugs :
Well ... I'm a beginner in Windows programming, so I can't really guarantee your safety. If you have something really urgent to tell me, I can be reached at :

Licensing :
This software is freeware. The author of this program cannot be held responsible for any damage this program may do to your system! Use it at your own risk!